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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  July 6, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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rage on the road. a man with a shotgun attacks a speed camera suv. >> 295 is shut down in both directions while police search for the armed suspect. hi. i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> a man attacks a speed camera suv. wjz crews have been on the scene near the airport all day. adam may is live near the scene right now with the latest. adam? >> kai, let me bring you up-to- date on some of the breaking information. first off, they did open up 295. also right now, there's a massive manhunt under way here. and it comes after the attack on this speed camera vehicle.
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it all started at around 11:30 this morning. that's when a worker said that a man came out of the woods. he was armed with a very large shotgun and a smaller hammer. he started attacking and vandalizing that vehicle. here's what the worker told police. >> he said that the individual went to the rear window of the jeep and began tapping on the rear with the shotgun. the witness was obviously frightened at that point and began blowing his horn. he said the individual came to the front. truck and began striking his windshield with the hammer. the suspect was apparently mumbling something that was incoherent. the attack happened and lasted a couple of minutes. the state highway worker was not injured. he is in -- the suspect is in his 60s, gray-haired, no facial hair. he was last seen in a plaid
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shirt and blue jeans. there have been some possible sightings of him around this area. some of them closer to the airport. they have had literally s.w.a.t. teams surrounding a number of different areas around here all afternoon, with no luck. they've also been checking out numerous vehicles. that includes a vehicle which we spotted a couple of hours ago. up near a pashing lot. -- parking lot. police have had that vehicle surrounded for a couple of hours. we're waiting for more information on that. we're going to have an update on that for you at 5:00 and 6:00. we're live near the airport, adam may, wjz eyewitness news. >> a lot breaking on this big story on the bwi parkway. we'll have more for you on this still-developing story coming up at 5:00 and 6:00 live. casey anthony could walk free in 24 hours. the verdict is being analyzed from coast to coast. karen brown reports for wjz on what happens now. >> reporter: people are already lining up to get a seat for
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casey anthony's sentencing. many can't believe she was cleared of murdering her daughter caylee. >> maybe someday she's going to wake up and realize, i've got to come forward. >> reporter: russell heckler was an alternate jury. >> it was the right decision. >> he said the prosecution did not prove caylee was murdered. >> they didn't show us how caylee died. that was important. >> reporter: heckler objects there was some sort of horrific accident. >> overall, i think the family knows a lot more than what came out at the trial. >> reporter: the judge will sentence casey anthony on four misdemeanor charges of lying to police. she's already spent nearly three years in jail. so many legal experts predict she'll be set free for time already served. >> she'll be taken to a location in -- apparently her designation in central florida. >> reporter: it's not clear if anthony's parents will help
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their daughter. >> the family dynamics are in upheaval. this is a girl who doesn't have a car or pair of shoes or anything. where is she going to go? everyone hates her so much. >> reporter: anthony's lawyer implicated her father in caylee's death, saying he staged a cover-up after she drowned. her family said the verdict was fair but have yet to speak to their daughter. in orlando, florida, karen brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> anthony was convicted of four misdemeanor counts of lying to investigators. each count carries a maximum sentence of one year. in illegal steroids in baseball, the perjury trial of roger rocket clemens. denise has more on why a federal judge presiding over the trial is angry. >> the judge is irritated with the u.s. congress for not turning over a 2008 deposition. the argument about the tape delayed the trial for several hours today. judge reggie walton of united states district court said the
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tapes should be include in the evidence at -- included in the evidence at the trial. clemens' attorney said the tape where clemens denied taking steroids in a house hearing is proof. >> denise, thank you. if convicted on all charges, he could face a maximum of 30 years in prison. bumpy landing. a student pilot loses control and flips his small plane. sky eye chopper 13 is over the scene in middle river, baltimore county. the students from the middle river flight services was on his second solo flight. he landed safely, but lost control while taxiing and the plane toppled over. the pilot was not hurt. serping for -- searching for a suspect. two major incidents. and so far, no arrests have been made. mike hellgren has the latest from city headquarters. >> reporter: the person who was
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murdered, jo kaylo has a 1-year- old daughter. and we visited her before he was stabbed. the 4-year-old shooting victim continues to be treated for his injuries at this hour. >> 4-year-old benson was shot in the leg while at the inner harbor to watch the fireworks with his family. his incident was one of several incidents that unfolded during independence day celebration. >> just an inch more. and it would have just hit the main artery. and it would have been a lot worse than it is. all he's saying is, mommy, i got shot. like a bad guy shot me. like, i can't believe i got shot. >> we had incredible deployments down there. and literally feet away from where this incident occurred. >> angry that some idiot just didn't have the brain and common knowledge around children in a family event that is supposed to be for children
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and so people who can enjoy themselves can discharge the gun. >> jo kaylo, who is 26 was murdered, stabbed in the neck with a bottle. police are desperately looking for this man, their prime suspect in the shooting. at mccormick and schmick's that was out of control. >> this is just ridiculous. >> reporter: officers work the to clear the street. this fight broke out five minutes into it. police are now reveing -- reviewing their response to see if anything could have been done to prevent the mayhem. they extensively used technology, including the city watch camera system. reporting from city police headquarters, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> if you know anything about either of these two incidents, contact police, you can remain anonymous. a plea deal for a city
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police officer, caught up in a towing scandal. officer nunez is pleading. it's part of a larger extortion scheme, involving more than a dozen officers. the officers allegedly received $1,000 in kickbacks. three other officers have already pled guilty. today, the city council endorsed the mayor in the upcoming election. >> i'm here to pledge to continue to work with her now and in the future to make baltimore the best city in america. and i wish her every success in the coming months as she works to gain the votes and trust of the citizens of our great city. >> the group led by council president jack young announced its support of rawlings-blake mayoral campaign outside today. in a surprise move, carl stokes didn't officially file to run for mayor. our humid weather is sticking around for yet another
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day. here's a live look outside. it's a mostly sunny day. doesn't look like we'll see any rain released today. bernadette woods is here with the updated numbers. >> hello, bernadette and everybody out there. and once again, all of the showers and storms have been off to the south of us. that's where the front has been stalled out. we're going to show you, a lot of activity, all throughout southern parts of maryland and throughout the day. you can see most of it is trying to move away. however, there is another huge batch over northeastern parts of virginia. and that is going to move eastward and northeastward. we're still going to have to watch that cycle through before we are done with the storm. eventually, this front will kick out of here, just in time for another one to come our way. look at temperatures. 88 degrees in baltimore. 90. 92 in cumberland. the sun came out a little earlier, the farther northwest you go, with the rain over the northeastern part of the state. we will have that forecast
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coming up shortly. kai? >> thank you, bernadette. let's check on the roads with kristy breslin at traffic control. we have some congestion out there to watch out for on the harrisburg expressway. if you are traveling there in the northbound direction, some brake lights there, from shawan road to mount carmel, we have some slowing on the west side there, 70 to liberty road. northbound past aberdeen, blocking the left-hand lane. also, in rosedale, kendale avenue at wavern. and a couple in baltimore city. rowrnd view at-- roundview at cherryland. also east pratt at light street. let's go and take a live look. there is 295 northbound at 175. we did have some problems earlier. everything is all clear in both directions. and there's another look at 50 at sandy point. no problems in that region as well. this traffic report is brought to you by hh greg. hh greg is the largest electronics and appliance
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retailers in america. stop in today to see how fast they're growing for the lowest prices, largest selection. hh greg, we help. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 4:00. sniffling and sneezing. it is no fun in the summer. in healthwatch, why colds this time of year are actually tougher to deal with. air safety. a new study after a deadly crash in new york. could where pilots live play a factor? >> formally charged, why the man arrested at the shooting at fort hood could be fighting for his life at the court-martial. hot and humid. the updated first warning forecast is coming up.
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looked more like a boxing ring today, after a verbal fight there arely turned
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physical between two members. >> a member of the anti-syrian movement said that a pro-syrian member mocked him during the speech. the two men had to be call the back by several members of parliament. a woman visiting a patient at a florida hospital was gunned down by her estranged husband. police say 53-year-old christine morets died at the scene after being shot tuesday in maples. the shooter then turned the gun on himself. he remains in intensive care. no one else was injured. the couple was in the process of divorcing. in today's healthwatch, we usually associate getting the cold or flu with winter weather. manuel gallegus reports, it turns out, summer colds can actually be worse. >> reporter: ellen cohane's summer is off to a lousy start with a miserable cold. >> i started off with kind of a
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scratchy throat. then -- then my noise started-- nose started running. >> turns out, the cold and flu viruses that make us sick in the winter, often combine with other warm-weather viruses in the summer, including the nasty bug called the enterero -- entero virus. it can last longer and is more likely to in comeback. >> it really -- to come back. >> it really taxes the immune system more, and we're more run down. and i think that's what is making it last longer. >> reporter: doctors say trying to get back into shape too fast after a long residenter -- winter can also run us down and make us too susceptible to viruses. >> airplanes can also spread viruses. and sometimes, those colds are actually allergies. >> most of the time, people don't even realize they have allergies. so they think it's a cold. >> how can you ward off a summer sickness? wash your hands often, get
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plenty of sleep and stay hydrated. after two weeks, ellen cohane is hydrated. >> the next week, i'm already planning activities, things to doful. >> reporter: -- to do. >> reporter: and ready for a better-late-than never start to summer. and just like winter colds, there is not much you can do for summer colds. doctors say cold medicines and saline drops may give you some relief. more news from wall street today. lots of enthusiasm down there. dow ended the day in positive territory, after a rocky start. here are the closing numbers. the dow was up -- can we go back to those? there we go. the dow was up 66 points. s&p up a point. and nasdaq up a point. let's go to new york right now, where susan mcginnis has tonight's cbs money watch update. you can now video chat with your friends on facebook. in a much-anticipated
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announcement, facebook ceo mark zucker burg says the -- zuckerberg says they are adding video conferencing through skype on its service. microsoft is now acquiring skype. the head of the new international mol monetary fund says that employment will be her key focus. christine lagard says unemploy unemployment is the key. executives who are found responsible for big bank failures may have to pay up. a new fdic rule says federal regulators can capture two years of pay, from exec if i haves found-- executives found negligent. banks worry the rule could lead executives to jump ship at the first sign of trouble. seems that the red-light cameras are not raising the revenue they were expected to. the cameras that snapped pictures of drivers get their
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fines in the mail. they have been a dependable source to cities. but drivers grow wise of the cameras. that's your money watch. stay with i'm susan mcginness in new york. making math fun. thousands of city middle schoolers are raising their minds. andrea fujii has more on this wjz sum schoolwatch report. on your mark, get set, learn. 2,000 middle schoolers are taking part in the grand prix of summer learning. named after baltimore's big race in september. it's the second year for this five-week course in which city students build their math skills through activities like racing cars. >> you just get caught up with so much fun that you don't each realize that you're learning anything. >> reporter: other activities include swimming with michael
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phelps' instructors. >> reporter: after scores from the maryland student assessment showed a drop in math, organizers say this program is essentiality. >> we know -- essential. >> we know for middle school students, math is essential. and we want to hone in on those skills. >> reporter: the federally- funded program is free. >> kids are getting an opportunity to work with math in a real-world context. >> reporter: then jump to the front of the class. >> since they didn't come, i think i'm going to have a lot more hands-on with the skill. so maybe i can help them. >> reporter: andrea fujii, wjz eyewitness news. >> the program is accepting students until the end of the week. to learn more, visit, and click on the "seen on" section ." coming up at 4:00. hazy shade of brown. see the incredible pictures of a massive dust storm in arizona. lots of sunshine on a warm, humid afternoon. wjz 13 is always on.
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for the top stories on, instant updates and first warning weather all the time, click ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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taking a live look outside at what? if you can see it. >> yeah. >> or what is that? >> one of our highways. >> that's a highway. >> you know, bern, to me, it's warm out, but it doesn't feel uncomfortably warm. >> it's not that extreme. it is warm. humidity is somewhat. >> mary disagrees. >> we've already had some of those rounds where we've had 100. we're nothing near that. it's still a summertime day in july. in the northeast. and you can tell that by that picture right there. we have rounds and thunderstorms out there. and they have been across southern parts of the state for the day once again. and that's because this is down here. now, officially -- eventually, it's going to push off to sea tonight. but not before another round of storms makes its way into virginia, just sort of clipping maryland on its way to the eastern shore. we just really got some clouds from that.
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bithen -- but then the sun started coming out. you can see a couple of rounds of showers. the sun has been out. it has really warmed up. it's 90 in cumberland. 92 in hagerstown. we are sitting at 88 now in baltimore. dew point is up sketch degrees. -- 67 degrees. but we've already had days in the upper 90s. we're not quite at that level. it's still somewhat comfortable outside. 84 degrees, before the rain has been coming out. we topped out at 88 degrees. and once again, that is above our average. 87, where we sit right now. tomorrow, once again, we do have code orange air quality alert in effect. from baltimore up to philadelphia. because temperatures are going to be up. so is the humidity. and a new cold front is coming our way. at this point, right in here. we're still dealing with this stalled front. and i also want to point this
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out to you. this area of disturbed weather being monitored south of florida. could become something over the next few days. and of course, if that does happen, we'll let you know about it. as far as our weather pattern right now goes, first off is this stalled front. that gets to be out of here as the new one comes our way. but it brings another round of scattered showers showers and thunderstorms friday. and again so on friday. by the time we head to the weekend, whether that system moves toward florida or not, it is going to move northward in a band of thunderstorms. and supposed to keep thunderstorms around for us friday, into saturday. the forecast comes together like this on the waters. south winds, still very light at 5 knots. then tonight, we go down to about 70 degrees. tomorrow, though, scattered showers and storms as we head through the afternoon. 91, our high. it is going to be muggy. then we have that other little system coming up. again, very little chances of showers over the next few days here.
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>> right, it's a pattern. thanks, bern. don't miss tonight's cbs primetime lineup. it starts tonight with undercover boss, and ends at 10:00, followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. scott pelley has a preview. what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. they helped win the race to space. but now they're losing their jobs. the final night of the space shuttle means the end of a career for many nasa workers, from astronauts to mechanics. where did they go from here? find out tonight on the cbs evening news. sexual assault charges. will the case involving a new york maid and dominique strauss- kahn be dropped? bus driver court appearance, charged in a virginia accident that killed four people. will he be released on bond? phone hacking scandal. how british lawmakers are getting involved in the widening probe? eyewitness news at 4:00 continues with denise and vic right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 4:30. 88 degrees and sunny. hello. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about. >> outrage in britain over a phone hacking scandal. a newspaper is accused of hacking into the phone of missing children and terror attack victims. now, lawmakers are getting involved. charlie d'agata reports from london. >> reporter: a british tabloid may have hacked into the phones of a 13-year-old girl and suicide bombing families. investigators are looking into whether journalists at rupert murdoch's news of the world listened in to desperate conversations of families. they also allegedly tapped into the account of 13-year-old missing girl. not only listening to her voice mail but deleting frantic messages from her relatives. she was found dead six months
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after she disappeared in 2002. >> this is disgusting, disgraceful. there are no words to describe how awful this was. how awful it is to the parents. >> the new hacking allegations are infuriating the british public, prompting an emergency government session and called for an immediate session. >> we're talking about murder victims, potentially terrorist victims, having their phones hacked into. it is absolutely disgusting. >> reporter: when the scandal first broke, the targets were mainly celebrities, like mick jagger, eric clapton, gwyneth paltrow and hugh grant. >> i think there is a national revulsion about what they did. >> reporter: at the center of the controversy is rebecca brooks, who hed headed up -- who headed up the tabloids. murdoch says she will continue to lead his company, despite calls for her resignation. the paper is already taking a hit. several companies have pulled their ads. in london, charlie d'agata, wjz eyewitness news. >> and police have already
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begun to look into evidence the newspaper paid off officers in return for information. >> prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty for the army psychiatrist accused of gunning down more than a dozen people, at fort hood army base. kai is in the newsroom with more on the case against major nidal hasan. >> after several psychiatric evaluations, officials say he will be tried in a court. the 40-year-old has yet to enter a plea. to 13 counts of premeditated murder. he also faces 32 counts of attempted premeditated heard murder. during an evidentiary hear, ing -- hearing, witnesses say hassan shouted in arabic, "god is great" before he opened fire. his attorney has not said whether he will pursue an insan ist defense. -- insanity defense. >> some say he was upset about
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america's war in the middle east. americans flying overseas may see a little more security at airports. governments have warned international airlines about information that terrorists are considering surgically implanting explosives inside a human body. airline officials say they will employ more random passenger searches and other new security technology. a presidential town hall meeting online. president obama used the social media site twitter to answer questions today from voters. danielle nottingham reports for wjz. most of those questions were about jobs and the economy. >> reporter: president obama took his town hall meeting to twitter. he joined twitter cofounder jack dorsey, to tackle questions, sent in through the popular social media website. >> i think i have done this properly. >> reporter: the white house invited 30 of its twitter followers to be part of the live audience. the site chose eight journalists to help select the
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questions, based upon the most popular topics from users. >> from ren grade nerd out of atlanta, mr. president, will you issue an executive order to raise the debt ceiling pursuant to amendment 4 of the constitution. >> i don't think we should each get to the constitution. congress has a responsibility to make sure we pay our bills. >> reporter: twitter asked tens of thousands of questions before the event. including republican lawmakers. they used tweets to challenge the president on the economy. >> this is speaker boehner. >> there you go. >> after emple barking on a -- embarking on a record-breaking spending binge, where are the jobs. >> and. >> over the last 15 months, we've actually seen over 2 million jobs created in the jobs sector. >> reporter: top aides say the president sees social networking sites like twitter as a way to reach out to younger voters who were key to
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his win in 2008. he'll need their votes again next year in his run for re- election. >> and the president hosted a town hall meeting on facebook earlier this year. he says he sees it as a way to connect with younger vote -- voters. lawyers say they had a productive meeting with manhattan prosecutors today. prosecutors are not sure if they will pursue the sexual assault case against strauss- kahn. the information has come to light which questions the credibility of the accuser. the french national is currently free on his own recognizance. he's now facing a sexual assault case in france. a tour bus crash claims the lives of four passengers. now, the man behind the wheel is facing felony charges. mary is in the newsroom with more on today's hearing. >> well, vic, kim chung pled not guilty to four counts of involuntary manslaughter. chung was on a bus that
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crashed. investigators say the bus swerved, hit an embankment and flipped over. chung reportedly confessed to falling asleep at the wheel. his attorney has filed a motion to suppress any information. saying the man was not advised of his miranda rights. back to you, vic. >> chung is being held without bond. shortly after the crash, federal investigators cited numerous safety violations. >> we're learning more about what caused a deadly accident. it happened during morning rush hour. according to our media partner, police say a driver was traveling in falls road when his vehicle collided head-on with another vehicle that was attempting to make the turn. a 47-year-old man was killed and a woman remains hospitalized at shock trauma. an anne arundel county man accused of being a peeping tom. charles novak pleaded guilty to secretly taping women as they
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changed clothes inside their home. the 35-year-old was arrested in december after a woman spotted him in her garage. police say a search of his home turned up evidence, linking him to other burglaries other including some theft of underwear. people are calling it the mother of all haboobs. that is arabic for "dust storm." the cloud was 110 miles high. and brought winds topping 150 miles per hour. planes were grounded for hours. heat and humidity. mostly blue skies and the afternoon. meteorologist bernadette woods is here now with the updated numbers from first warning weather. we go to first warning doppler radar and show you it's
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quieter. some thunderstorms. southern parts of maryland in the eastern shore. it is moving off to the northeast. now, it's the first round. hefty storms fell along the beaches today. now, it had heavy rain reign with it as it passes through. only in the 80s. the sun has come out. 90 in hagerstown. and 88 in baltimore. hi, denise. hi, everyone. if you're traveling on the harbor tunnel throughway, it's not going to be a pleasant drive. just bumper to bumper. as far as the harrisburg expressway goes, still slow in the northbound direction. slow from shawan to belfast. the west side inner loop. over on the top side inner loop. as far as accidents go,
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northbound 95. past the aberdeen exit, it is blocking the left-hand lane. and two in the baltimore city. let's now take a live look. you can see plenty there. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, call 1-800-the firm. or call for your free consultation. back to you. deli expanding into the annapolis city market house. restaurant is reportedly one of nine vendors that is signed a short-term list. straight ahead. oil pipeline break. how long did it take for exxon to react to the spill. watch out. here comes google plus. how it works in consumer watch.
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and no heat-breaking rain in today's forecast. how about tomorrow? bernadette will tell us coming up. ,,,,,,
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[ mr. connally ] i was paying too much with cable. it was crazy! paying so much you want better quality. it was like you were trapped because that was the only system that was in our neighborhood -- was that cable. i was just getting too frustrated. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. now you can switch to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year -- with no annual contract required. i always heard great things about fios, but the first time i saw the picture it was just like "wow." [ male announcer ] call now and we'll include over 60 premium channels, including showtime, starz, epix and more for 12 months. you just get so much more with fios. when i'm on the internet things download like -- shoo! just as quick as i'm snapping my fingers. it's just "bam." [ male announcer ] millions of families have switched to fios. now you can too for just $99.99 a month for a year
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a new study finds that one in five airline pilots lives more than 50 miles from work, raising concerns that commutes could lead to pilot fatigue. after a plane crashed in buffalo that killed 50 people. ntb concluded that it was due to pilot errors, due to fatigue. they have long said that pilots could safely commute to work if they act responsibly. a southwest airlines plane had a 6-foot hole ripped in its fuselage in april. southwest airlines. southwest flight 812 was 34,000 feet in the air.
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when suddenly the roof of a plane ripped open, leaving a gaping hole. air traffic control working to bring down the crippled plane. nobody was hurt. the search continues for several seven people, still missing after a tourist boat capsized off the peninsula. jessica has the latest. >> reporter: the u.s. coast guard has sent searchers to help aid in the search for survivors. they were on board the boat when they ran into bad weather, capsized and sank. one person drowned and then 37 others, including the entire crew, were rescued. water temperatures were in the 80s this week, making it possible that the missing people may still be alive. >> thank you, jessica. in a statement, the boat company said they were devastated by this, quoit, horrible tragedy. we're now learning that it took exxon mobil nearly twice as long to seal a pipeline that spilled roughly 1,000 barrels
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of crude oil into the river. >> reporter: exxon mobil now says nearly 300 people are working on the cleanup. from the first pipeline that dumped 40,000 gallons of crude into the pipeline. >> we understand this is a very serious event. we understand that we need to get our full arms over where the exposure -- exposures are. >> in some of that water that is containing oil is already in north dakota. and those low lands are a treasure trove of biology for the fisheries of the yellowstone river. >> reporter: in may, local officials raised concerns about local damage for the 20-year- old pipeline from the strength and speed of a rising river. shown by a record amount. exxon mobil then said its assessment showed the line would be okay and reopen it. indeed, it's now believed that the strength of the swollen
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river and the debris it carried may have scoured the pipeline until it ruptured. >> that was barry peterson reporting. federal regulators have ordered improvements. the company will also have to resubmit a restart plan to the department of transportation. in today's healthwatch, women who want to become pregnant should brush and floss their teeth regularly. that's according to a new study out of australia. researchers looked at over 3,000 women. it took women with gum disease months to become pregnant, compared to an average of 5 montes. also in healthwatch. child watch bans. they could face a class action lawsuit, alleging the nonprescription drugs don't work in children under age 6. the canadian suit argues the drug companies have known since 1989 that the medicines are ineffective in children and more dangerous for them. a ruling is expected later this
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year. facebook is another big player that has entered the social networking reign. google. >> it's certainly not your grandma's social networking site. it claims to be a new way to help you share your life on the web. >> reporter: using google plus is very different. it feels very different. at the appointment, it feels more intimate, more alive, more back and forth. >> reporter: it's an interesting cross between the life stream concept of twitter and the friend network of facebook. and i think it fits in really well. >> what's most different about google plus is the way you connect with other people. create circles for your various types of friends. then drag and drop various contacts into them. >> it has got the right technology. >> some of the other features are instant uploads for quickly posting your photos and videos. sparks. huddle for group chat on mobile
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devices and hangouts for group video chat. >> we forgot that we were using technology, almost immediately. it's extremely natural. >> expert says the likelihood of google plus killing facebook is slim. >> the hardest part is getting people to use the system and to adopt it as a place to hang out and talk to people, in the way they doo with facebook. >> but he say fist anyone is going to give facebook a run for its money, it's google. >> apparently google is testing google plus on a small sampling of users, expected to open to the public in weeks to come. the south korean city will host the 2011 winter olympics. the koreans have lost narrowly in the 2010 and 2014.
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>> we covered it. >> that was actually -- yeah. >> oh, never mind. mostly clear skies today. but what about tomorrow? >> meteorologist bernadette woods has the updated first warning forecast coming up next. ,, is that thing getting closer? look how high that thing's going. look out there, look at the debris. all right, give me the camera. no, just drive. i've got it. zoom in! zoom in! i can't believe this is happening. look at the size of that thing. it's everywhere. are you getting this? yeah, i've got it. what was that? it's the national guard. how'd they get here so fast? i don't know. pull over! pull over! do you have what it takes to head into the heart of the storm? check out
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get fios. a network ahead. want to catch a good breeze? >> not much wind out there. and the air is thick. now, around the metro region, haven't seen much today. we've had a lot of action. another round of thunderstorms. you can see this batch, coming out of virginia. at this point, has had the history of severe weather with it. if any warning do spread, we'll pass those long to you. then the worst of the weather. of course, this is still moving. we'll switch it over and show you earlier today.
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fog and sunshine started to mix. the farther south, the rain and thunderstorms moving through. and here comes another round. now, as far as temperatures go, where the sun came out, the farth early north and west you go, we get into the low 90s. this is only 78 degrees in patuxent. we tapped out at 88 so far. and once again, tomorrow, we will be again. we're probably going into the low 90s with the high levels of humidity. and with all of that combierned, -- combined, air quality alert in effect, code orange. here's the storm that has been bothering us with a stalled-out front that is still around. not that far away. here's the next storm system. before we zoom in on all of this. want to point out one more sort of ointment. excuse me. while i go down here. this is the area the national hurricane center is monitoring.
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it's going to make it to an -- up to the -- up the coast. and it will factor into our forecast. here's how it all comes together. here's the next front. scattered thunderstorms with that, eventually, though. here's that low coming up the coast, bringing more rain and thunderstorms with it. then it gets a kick out of here on saturday. so the forecast looks like this on the waters. bay temp, 80 degrees. forecast for tonight. any shower or thunderstorm dying down. 70 for our low. tomorrow, scattered showers and storms out there. we're going up to 91 degrees. it's going to be a muggy one. and then, we're going to see another chance of scattered showers and storms as we head into friday and saturday, slowly moving out of here. >> really rubbing in my ointment. [ laughter ] >> where's the connection? >> you're covered well. >> yes. still to come on eyewitness news. a manhunt in the woods near bwi. police officers armed with rifles right now, combing the
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woods. i'm adam may. sounds like it all started after a man attacked a speed camera on i'm just a piece of dust living at the corner of j and k, spending too many nights alone at the spacebar. will love ever find me? ♪ oh yes! ♪ what about love?! [ female announcer ] swiffer attracts dust. swiffer 360 dusters gets in hard to reach places. it picks up two times more dust than a feather duster using thousands of fluffy fibers to lock dust away.
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coming up next. a car chase following a bizarre event. cleared of murder. what is next for casey anthony? why many experts believe she'll walk free? i'm mike hellgren, with updates on two major violent incidents during the independence day celebration in baltimore. family members speak out. and the latest on the investigations straight ahead. check in for more on the day's breaking news and all of
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the stories. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. s.w.a.t. teams on 295. police search for a man armed with a shotgun and a hammer. >> the unusual target on the attack on the unusual bw parkway. >> i'm kai jackson. >> and i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> right now, police are searching for the man who was exiting a vehicle on 295. wjz is live in linthicum. adam may is there and is following the search for the suspect. adam? >> reporter: well, kai, the parkway finally reopened. meanwhile, the manhunt is still under way. it is moving from this area now.


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